
5 Tips On How To Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

January 18, 2022

Every time you look to gather information around a particular blog post topic and you hit a Google search, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of hyperlinks available over a range of pages. This only further goes to say that every topic is written about already on the Internet; however, not all of these topics make successful results. You might at times even find a quality reference link on the third page of Google, only to leave you wondering why did the blog post not show up on page 1!

While there could be tons of technical reasons for this, an essential reason for a blog post to not be accessed by the number of people it was intended to be accessed by is always the quality of writing. It does not take a lot to write a quality blog post but it does take some, and to help you out with this, here are some tips and tricks to make the most out of your blog posts.

Quick Tips On How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts-

1) Understand Your Topic

How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts

There aren’t and there can’t be any shortcuts in writing. As a writer of a  blog post or a blogger, it is your job to inform the reader on a topic when blogging; you essentially are imparting knowledge. And the first step to teaching is to learn. Whenever you write a post, always make it a point to first understand your topic and learn for yourself about it before you start writing about it. The aim here should be to be able to help your readers with your blog post or article.

Do not only focus on the optimization of text through targeted keywords and other techniques of SEO; instead, focus on understanding your topic because that is what will help you also understand what your potential readers expect from you.

2) Conduct Extensive Research

Conduct Extensive Research

Now that you have an understanding of your topic, what’s important next is to conduct extensive research on the said topic before you begin to write a blog post. As mentioned, it is your responsibility to provide accurate information and to educate your potential readers when they click on your blog link; and by researching your topic, this becomes possible. When you research, you find authoritative websites that can be referred to in order to create content that is reliant and accurate.

However, it is also necessary to make sure that you refer to sites that are up-to-date. Do not just go with what you read at first because this first link might be biased or might as well be outdated. Ensure that you read up or at least go through a couple of websites to make sure that the content you curate is reliant, accurate, updated, unbiased, factual, and of the utmost quality. At this step, it is also necessary to make sure that you know where to draw the line between inspiration from research and plagiarism.

Pro tip: If you are not too sure about the blog post you want to cover, you could always resort to a guest post for credibility and for indirect advertising!

3) Enhance Your General Knowledge

Enhance Your General Knowledge

While it is important to conduct research, it is also important to be up-to-date with what is happening in the world around you. General knowledge here means being aligned and on track with all the personal events that you experience and also what is happening in the world around you. For example, let's say you are writing a blog post about best practices on Instagram. If you are not aware on a personal level about the basics of Instagram, your writing on this topic will purely be research-based and it will lack a lot of pragmatic approaches that you would have otherwise experienced and learned by using Instagram yourself. 

Apart from personal experiences, it is also important to keep updating yourself with what is happening day in and day out instead of relying on some research from backdated articles. Read enough news, take glances at what is happening in the world through magazines, and most of all; listen and watch what is happening in the world around you.

4) Write About What Really Interests You

Write About What Really Interests You

To put this forward bluntly, you will never be able to write a quality post if you are not interested or personally invested in the topic and your target audience will make it out sooner or later. When you write about something that does not interest you, you essentially are faking it and the shallowness thereof will show up in your writing. Try to choose blog post topics that really interest you; even if you are looking at writing as a full-time job, always try to work for companies that do what interests you as a person. If not, you will end up writing each day about something you don’t like; this will not only degrade the quality of your writing but will also kill your overall interest in writing and be a disappointment for your hirer.

5) Focus On A Clear Flow Of Words

Focus On A Clear Flow Of Words

Clarity and conciseness are other important factors that lead to the quality of a blog post. There never can be an ideal length of a blog post because it majorly depends on the kind of articles that the writer is tasked to perform. However, what can be pre-decided is the clarity aspect of it.

Try and make your post clear and easy to understand by breaking it down into points and handwriting it in a manner as though you are directly speaking to your potential reader. That said, the primary aim should be to provide relevant information via your blog. It should not matter if this information is supplied in 200 or 2000 words.

Final Thoughts

All said and done, as a final takeaway, the last piece of mind would be to always remember that writing a quality blog post is not a one-day task. This is going to require some serious time as well as effort from the writer’s end. If you follow these steps and can provide accurate, relevant information to your readers, you will perhaps gain more reach and followers than you can with other digital marketing techniques. Also on the other hand, no matter how many techniques you run, you will never gain any reach if you do not follow the said essentials and others of sorts of writing a quality blog post.

How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts FAQs

1. What is a bad piece of writing?

The classic elements of bad writing are inconsistency, too many words, too much explanation, and no clear structure. Always try to break your writing into paragraphs and bullets so that the reader does not have to read too much text at once. Also, try and maintain a clear flow of words instead of changing the voice of the writing with each new paragraph.

2. What is the difference between good writing and bad writing?

Good writers keep the audience in their minds before they start writing. Good writing and good writing skills are always informative, relevant, updated, and pieces of writing that can be easily comprehended. It is also recommended to never publish the first draft that you prepare. Keep in mind that you always run it for a review, run a plagiarism check to be sure and always (always) run a grammar check before you go ahead and post it.

3. What are the critical elements of a blog post?

The most critical elements of a quality blog post are-
  • Eye-catching headlines
  • Unavoidable subheading
  • Informative, engaging, knowledge imparting body
  • Easy-to-read structure of words and paragraphs
  • Appealing graphics and images
  • Relevant hyperlinks and backlinks
  • Compelling call-to-action buttons
  • Good meta description.

  • REIN

    REIN Digital is a leading global marketing and advertising firm focused on providing the best services and partnership. Our journey began in 2015 in Gurgaon, and since then we have been believing in putting in every ounce of effort in order to bridge the gap between our client's present and hopeful future. 

    Throughout these years, we have collaborated with businesses from India as well as other nationals including Australia & the USA.

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