Paid Marketing

What Is PPC In Digital Marketing ? & The Best Platforms For PPC

December 28, 2022

You've come to the correct place whether you're interested in learning more about PPC marketing or you already know you want to use it to market your company but aren't sure where to begin. 

Even though 45% of small businesses use online advertising in some capacity, pay-per-click is still a term that many of us find difficult to understand.

PPC is a skill that you should have as a marketer, or at the very least, comprehend the basics of.

You can fully understand pay-per-click marketing with the aid of this guide. We'll start with the advantages of sponsored advertising before moving on to some important definitions that you should be familiar with.

What Is PPC In Marketing?

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing lets you pay a charge to have your website appear on the SERP when a user puts in a certain set of keywords or phrase(s) into the search engine. The ads you produce to drive traffic to your website will appear on the SERP, and you will only be charged if someone clicks on them.

PPC can generate great leads for you when used effectively. A flawless user journey can result in a significant return on your PPC investment, which you'll learn how to execute later in this article.

The most prevalent place to find PPC marketing is on the sites of search engines like Google or Bing, but it can also be found on social media (although CPM is more common).

Pay-per-click advertisements can be found among the results that appear before and to the right of organic search results if that answers your question.

What Are Commonly Used PPC Marketing Terms?

If it answers your query, pay-per-click adverts can be found among the results that show up before and to the right of organic search results.

SEM or Search Engine Marketing

Ranking for a target keyword is the goal of all digital marketing, and you can do this in a few different methods. Any digital marketing, whether paid or unpaid, carried out on a search engine like Google, or Bing is referred to as "search engine marketing" (SEM).

SEM is a catch-all phrase that refers to both paid advertising and SEO, or naturally rising in search results. It's crucial to remember that PPC doesn't just happen on search engines; it also happens on social media.


The amount that an advertiser pays for each click on your ad is known as the CPC Cost-per-Click (CPC). In an auction that chooses where your ad will be displayed, CPC serves as your bid. As you may expect, greater ad placement results from a bigger bid.

Your CPC is set at the highest amount you are ready to pay for each click on your advertisement. The following equation determines what you actually pay:

Actual CPC = (Competitor's Ad Rank / Your Quality Score) + 0.01.

Let's review the variables in this equation so you can understand what you're purchasing:

Ad Rank

The position of an advertisement on a search engine results page is determined by this value. It's equivalent to Quality Score x Maximum Bid.

Quality Score

This is the rating that search engines assign to your ad based on your clickthrough rate (CTR), which is compared to the industry average for advertising in that position, the applicability of your keywords, the caliber of your landing page, and your prior SERP performance.

Maximum Bid

This is the most you're willing to spend on each click on your advertisement.

You have the option of setting your CPC to the manual, in which case you select the maximum bid for your advertisements, or enhanced, in which case the search engines will modify your bid in accordance with your objectives. Bid strategies that automatically modify your offers based on clicks or conversions are one of these improved possibilities.

CPM (Cost per Mille) 

Cost per thousand is another name for CPM, which stands for cost per thousand impressions. The most typical use for it is paid social and display ads. Other cost-per models exist, such as cost-per-acquisition (CPA) and cost-per-engagement (CPE), but for the sake of saving your mental space, we're going to stay with clicks, also known as CPC.


Choosing your ad campaign is the first step in setting up your PPC advertisements. Your campaign can be thought of as the main point or idea you wish to convey through your adverts.

Ad Group 

Due to this, you'll develop a number of ads as part of your campaign using a group of closely linked keywords. Each ad group you make can have a CPC that you specify.


Each ad in your ad group will focus on a specific collection of pertinent keywords or key terms. These keywords inform search engines of the terms or searches that you want your ad to appear next to in SERPs. 

You can precisely set a micro CPC for keywords within your advertising once you've established which keywords perform the best.

Ad Text

Your ad text should be influenced by your keywords. The wording of your advertisement (and landing page, for that matter) should match the keyword terms you are targeting because your Quality Score is based on how relevant your advertisement is.

Landing Page

An essential component of your paid advertising campaign is a landing page. Once they click on your PPC ad, users will land on the landing page. To increase conversions, make sure to adhere to standard practices for landing pages wherever you place them, whether it's a specific page, your homepage, or another location.

What Are The Best PPC Platforms?

After understanding the fundamentals of PPC, we assume your next inquiry is: Where should I advertise?

You can invest your prized ad money in dozens of different online venues, and the best approach to assess them is to carefully consider your prospective ROI on each site.

The most widely used platforms for advertising are successful because they are simple to use and, more importantly, have a lot of traffic. But if you have a smaller budget, you might think about a less well-known substitute for these important actors.

The availability of keyword words, the locations where your target audience congregates, and your advertising budget are some more factors to take into account when selecting a platform.

  1. Google Ads
  2. Bing Ads
  3. Facebook Ads
  4. Ad Roll
  5. RevContent

How Does PPC Marketing Operate?

Although PPC advertising looks different on each platform, the overall procedure is as follows:

  • Depending on your goal, pick the appropriate campaign type
  • Fine-tune your aiming and settings (audiences, devices, locations, schedule, etc.)
  • Describe your spending plan and bidding plan
  • Put your desired URL here (landing page)
  • Create your advertisement

Once the ad is up, an algorithm will decide where and when it will display, how much you will pay for a click on it, and other factors based on your budget, bid, campaign parameters, and the effectiveness and relevance of your ad.

Since all PPC advertising platforms want to maintain user satisfaction, they reward advertisers who produce relevant, reliable pay-per-click campaigns by giving them better ad positions and reduced prices.

Therefore, you must understand the proper techniques if you want to optimize your PPC revenues.

What Are The Effective PPC Keyword Research Techniques?

Although keyword research for PPC might be very time-consuming, it is also very crucial. 

Your PPC campaign is built entirely around keywords, and the best Google Ads marketers are always expanding and improving their PPC keyword list. 

You are likely missing out on hundreds of thousands of important, long-tail, affordable, and highly relevant keywords that could be bringing traffic to your website if you simply conduct keyword research once when you start your first campaign.

A good PPC keyword list should include:

Relevant: It goes without saying that you don't want to spend for clicks that will not result in a conversion. This means that the keywords you bid on should have a direct relationship to the products or services you offer.

Comprehensive: Long-tail keywords should also be included in your keyword research along with the most well-known and often searched terms in your niche. Though less frequent and more specialized, these collectively account for the majority of search-driven traffic. Additionally, they are less expensive since they are less expensively competitive.

Expansive: PPC is expansive and iterative. You want to continuously improve and broaden your campaigns, as well as foster an environment where your keyword list is expanding and changing.


Whether you have been in business for years or just started it yesterday, PPC may be the boost you need to gain an advantage over your rivals or at the very least move ahead of them in the SERPs.

Applying the knowledge you've gained in this guide's sections on creating PPC campaigns and developing effective PPC strategies will put you on the road to increasing both the traffic and the conversion rate of your website.

PPC In Digital Marketing FAQs:

1. PPC management: what is it?

PPC management encompasses a wide range of strategies, such as setting and modifying goals, conducting split tests, adding new keywords, improving conversion paths, and changing strategies to achieve goals.

2. What are the methods for boosting revenue?

To improve conversion rates, adhere to best practices for landing pages. Target quality leads by being precise in your advertisement. The higher the quality of your leads, the more probable it is that they will convert and ultimately buy from you.

3. How can you target your ideal customers with PPC ads?

PPC advertising allows you to target warm people who are eager to acquire your goods and services rather than chilly audiences. You can place bids on keywords that personas with a solution mindset would use to seek online. In addition to keywords, PPC advertising can provide targeting choices like demographics or previous online behavior. Making retargeting campaigns for site visitors who abandoned their shopping carts is another fantastic application of PPC ads.

4. What is RevContent?

RevContent concentrates mainly on PPC content promotion. It has a similar effect to a guest post in that your content is published on a different website, but it takes the shape of an advertisement. Your advertisement appears next to content related to the keywords you are still bidding on. You'll benefit from a low CPC and highly engaged traffic with this platform.

REIN Digital is a leading global marketing and advertising firm focused on providing the best services and partnership. Our journey began in 2015 in Gurgaon, and since then we have been believing in putting in every ounce of effort in order to bridge the gap between our client's present and hopeful future. 

Throughout these years, we have collaborated with businesses from India as well as other nationals including Australia & the USA.

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